Building Operations 

GEOMAP Building Operation Management Module gives a complete picture of the assets that have to be managed.

Each asset, floor, and space is managed through a data sheet containing all the technical and maintenance information..

Asset Geo-Location

Each asset/facility/component is geolocalized in the GEOMAP Software allowing an easy and user-firendly portfolio and preventive maintenance management.

Preventive maintenance management

Each data sheet displays a complete overview of the components to be manage and maintained. GEOMAP enables to create a preventive maintenance calendar in order to plan and keep tracking of all the maintenance activities. It is also possible to appoint and share the maintenance activities that have to be performed with the technicians.

Corrective Maintenance Management and ticketing System

Ogni scheda immobile offre una sintesi delle relative richieste di assistenza consentendo l’invio di nuove richieste, il controllo e il tracking. Apposite funzionalità consentono inoltre la generazione, stampa e condivisone di report e buoni lavoro.

Property and product data sheet

Every property data sheet allows to analyze all the products and components present. With just one click on the procuct/technical component is possible to visualize all its data.