Asset Inventory Management

Keep track of all your assets!

Nowadays one of the main difficulties faced by facility managers are keeping track of all assets and products as well as having their information up-to-date.  In order to have a proper and reliable asset inventory is necessary to perform a complete asset inventory activity first. Afterwards it is going to be crucial performing periodic asset inventory activities. This is the only way to have always available assets up-to-date information and be complaint to the law.

GEOMAP AMS Software can help you out!

GEOMAP performs inventory asset inventory activities and labeling all the assets using the latest technologies available on the market.

All this results in a a fast and accurate service.

GEOMAP asset inventory activities include Qr-Code labeling all the products/assets within a plant/facility.

Each Qr-Code is unique since it is associated to one object and it will contain all its information.

Based on the client's need, GEOMAP consulting team will choose the proper and most effective solution.

Each asset/facility/component is geolocalized in a planimetry and/or cartography. Thus, it is possible a graphical approach with the information.

During the asset inventory activities, GEOMAP team will collect all the information in order to be able performing a proper asset management. Some of the information collects will be:

  • Asset/product data;
  • Pictures;
  • Geo-Location;
  • Alphanumeric position;
  • User;
  • Related documentation;
  • Etc.

Le etichette Qr-code offrono un'immediata integrazione con ogni tipo di smartphone o tablet. Inoltre consentono di contenere notevolmente il costo di acquisto dell'hardware.

I tag RFID possono essere integrati con la nostra tecnologia al fine di consentire la lettura a distanza degli oggetti presenti in un dato spazio.

I Beacon rappresentano una soluzione tecnologicamente molto avanzata ma con costi decisamente superiori rispetto all'adozione di sistemi di etichettatura tipo Qr-code o RFID. Essi si giustificano nell'etichettatura di beni di valore al fine una tracciabilità in tempo reale.

End to End Solution

Once completed the Asset Inventory activities, GEOMAP performs also an account reconciliation.

Account Reconciliation

Asset account reconciliation

Our team of professionals will perform all the technical activities necessary for the the asset account reconciliation.

Once asset inventory activities are completed, GEOMAP team will be able to release an updated and reconciliated asset book.

GEOMAP AMS Software will enable to achieve all this and performing also future maintenance and updating activities.

Once completed the asset inventory activities, GEOMAP will release a list in which is possible to see all the assets.

The asset inventory list that includes technical, geo-location information as well as documental one.

Once all the asset inventory activities are performed, GEOMAP can help you keep tracking of it in the long-term as well. 

Choose the best solutions for your needs

Geomap AMS Software

Geomap AMS Software owns all the tools to perform a proper asset inventory management such as inventory acitivities, account reconciliation, asset entry and disposal management.

Each asset is managed through a dedicated spreadasheet including all the technical, accounting and logistic data necessary for a strategic management. All data can also be customized upon request of the Customer and can be integrated with any data present in any other information systems.

Maintenance and Updating Activities


If the Customer does not want to incorporate the asset inventory management, GEOMAP offers customized services for the updating and constant maintenance of the inventory and Book of Assets.

Our professionals will periodically go to the Customer's plants and offices in order to perform update the asset inventory and accounting records.


Insert the approximate number of assets that will be part of the services